Innovative Nordic hospital concepts
St Lucias Twin Pitons at Sunrise
Norveig Hospital grafikk
Customised hospital in Saint Lucia

Improving health coverage

We are in the final negotiations with the new government of Saint Lucia, in delivering an outpatient clinic, maternity ward, dialysis, and hyperbaric chamber therapy in Sousfriere.

A customised hospital for the local population

The dialog with Saint Lucian government is of a fruitful and constructive character, and we are now moving towards the next steps in the collaboration process. In due time, we aim to sign a contract securing the local population necessary access to good, affordable healthcare.

One of the options available, is a BOLT contract with a 15-year leasing agreement before transferring the ownership to the Saint Lucian government.

This is the current status of the Saint Lucia project 


Saint Lucia is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The volcanic island is known for its tropical climate, mountainous nature – with the twin Pitons south of Soufriere as one of the scenic natural highlights of the Caribbean – and marine life. Saint Lucia is often referred to as a “diver’s paradise”.

One of the local adaptations in the Saint Lucia project, has been to include a hyperbaric chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness and is very much needed in the area because of extensive diving activity.

Hospital in saint lucia

Costomised hospital in Saint Lucia