Nordic thinking as a foundation for excellent collaboration
Norveig is an Old Norse female given name meaning ‘the road to the north’. As we head toward tomorrow’s hospital, we take with us the best of Nordic governance and thinking.
We provide advice and support throughout the process
Norveig has a strong Nordic culture where openness and confidence-building measures are important guiding principles. We follow the process from start-up, through planning and construction and after the hospital is completed.
Collaboration, human rights, democratic governance, poverty eradication, peacekeeping and environmental protection are just a few of the terms people use when describing Nordic countries.
Cultural understanding and international work are firmly rooted in our culture. We have long experience from projects across a broad spectrum of countries and cultures. From our standpoint, the best solutions usually occur when several voices are heard.
Joint ownership of the process is essential for achieving the required healthcare quality. Modern, adaptable hospital concepts allow us to find solutions together that result in our fulfilling the requirements for efficient operation and safe treatment.
The resources
A valuable combination of values, expertise and experience
As Norveig’s owners, we have all enjoyed national and international success in our respective industries. We now seek to share our knowledge, experience and the common goal of better health and living conditions for people all over the world. The team’s combined expertise enabled us to act as your partner throughout the process.
Medical practice: The team’s medical expertise was developed during several decades of practice in major Nordic hospitals, international research and medical emergency work. Although Professor of Surgery and founder Staffan Smeds is our most important human resource, our Advisory Board highly professional medical members are also able to assist with valuable advice. The team’s combined resources can provide advice on national health planning, and the group is also equipped to follow up the hospital after completion to maintain good medical standards.
Architecture, design and project management: We have extensive experience in architecture and design, including valuable cutting-edge expertise in health-promoting architecture from international hospital projects. Our sound knowledge of plans and schedules in health care facilities helps us meet the needs of patients, relatives, and personnel. We put people at the centre of every project from the very beginning, to make sure the result is a building that both safeguards and promotes good health. Architect and founder Kolbjørn Jensen is our main resource in this field.
Construction and installations: The expertise and commitment of Triple Panel Buildings allow us to offer a high quality, sustainable construction concept. The concept was developed by Per Steinar Lothe, who has more than fifty years’ experience in the construction industry. Triple Panel Buildings creates local jobs and contributes to affordable homes, schools, healthcare buildings and commercial premises while reducing pollution in the local community. The concept has been introduced with great success. The company is run by Janne Johnsen.
The financial plan
Top-class project financing
Norveig’s projects are eligible for funding up to 85 per cent at competitive terms. Financing matters always form a central part of the process and are thoroughly reviewed in discussions with new partners.
We offer financing to private, public and public/private customers alike. Financing options and terms vary according to project frameworks, risks and the financial position of the clients concerned.
In every case, financing is settled before final contract signing to achieve a predictable construction process for the customer, contractor, construction team and others involved.

The extended model is planned with 50 beds.
The process
A reliable process for all parties
Openness, clear roles and predictable progress contribute to shared implementation power from start-up to completion.
Our delivery comprises turnkey hospital buildings with their associated medical equipment. Detailed lists of such equipment are made available after signing. The overview provides a description of the different phases in a process, from start-up through construction. The description is a guide, and allows room for customizations in each individual project. Take a look at our current projects, read more about the various concepts we have to offer, or contact us if you would like to discuss opportunities in your field of application.